
VBIS CH Relay's Just Over the GWB BVISS "Jersey" (3 majors)

CH Flyways Govinda Houdini JH OA OAJ WC VC ex CH Goldstorm Lead'N the Relay JH WC

       Pictured with Expert Handler Sherri Hurst 

 Pictured getting 1st in Bred-by at the MHGRC Specialty


November 2008 Jersey finishes her Champion with 3 Majors!!!! Thank You Sherri Hurst

June 2007- Jersey wins Bred-by (at 12 months) at the MHGRC Specialty

June 2007- Jersey wins sweeps class at the MHGRC Specialty!

April 5th, 2007 - Jersey takes 1st place in both puppy sweeps and the regular puppy class hosted by the Wheatland Golden Retriever Club of Wichita.

April 6th - 8th - Jersey sweeps the puppy class earning 1st place every day.



Jersey as a baby



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